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Kappa Psi was founded on May 30, 1879 at the Russel Military Academy in New Haven Connecticut following a football game against Cheshire. The organization, founded by F Harvey Smith, began as a secret Greek Letter Society. During this time, all Greek Letter Societies were Secret. On November 30th of the same year, a second Chapter was formed at yet another football game against Cheshire. These were the only two chapters of Kappa Psi until 1894, when a third Chapter was started at Hillhouse Academy in New Hampshire.

Originally, the Fraternity consisted of both Medical Students and Pharmacy Students. This was the case until 1924 when the Fraternity split into two distinct groups after 3 years of deliberation. The Medical student body became what is now known as Theta Kappa Psi, and the Pharmacy students retained the original Kappa Psi name. Although slow to organize after the split, great leadership and determination lead to a strong and well organized fraternity of 30 chapters within two years. With the exception of the depression during World War II, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity has prospered and has continued to grow every year since.

Texas Southern University is home to the Delta Theta Chapter of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. They were founded on March 25, 1973. The brothers of the Delta Theta Chapter are highly involved, not only in the college of pharmacy, but also in the community. Leadership is one of the vibrate attributes that one can see from their brotherhood. They currently hold every president position in the college of pharmacy. This includes APhA-ASP, Phi Lambda Sigma, SNPhA, African Pharmacy Association and Rho Chi. If you would like to learn more, feel free to talk to any of the Kappa Psi Brothers.

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